CD1/ -0.00
CD1/01 Bruce Hornsby - Piano Intro / Great Divide.flac -54.81
CD1/02 Bruce Hornsby - Long Tall Cool One.flac -51.92
CD1/03 Bruce Hornsby - The Red Plains.flac -40.01
CD1/04 Bruce Hornsby - The Road Not Taken.flac -41.49
CD1/05 Bruce Hornsby - Lady With a Fan.flac -32.42
CD1/06 Bruce Hornsby - Stander on the Mountain.flac -52.93
CD1/07 Bruce Hornsby - Jacob's Ladder / Blackberry Blossom.flac -29.07
CD1/08 Bruce Hornsby - Piano Intro / I Loves You Porgy / Nocturne.flac -18.70
CD1/09 Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is.flac -48.03
CD1/10 Bruce Hornsby - Twelve Tone Tune / King of the Hill.flac -66.65
CD1/Here Come the Noise Makers (disc 1).accurip -0.00
CD1/Here Come the Noise Makers (disc 1).cue -0.00
CD1/Here Come the Noise Makers (disc 1).log -0.01
CD2/ -0.00
CD2/01 Bruce Hornsby - Spider Fingers / Tempus Fugit.flac -70.04
CD2/02 Bruce Hornsby - Sneaking Up on Boo Radley.flac -32.15
CD2/03 Bruce Hornsby - Fortunate Son.flac -25.81
CD2/04 Bruce Hornsby - The Valley Road.flac -46.06
CD2/05 Bruce Hornsby - The End of the Innocence.flac -50.53
CD2/06 Bruce Hornsby - Sunflower Cat / It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry.flac -61.40
CD2/07 Bruce Hornsby - Rainbow's Cadillac.flac -50.05
CD2/08 Bruce Hornsby - Mandolin Rain / Black Muddy River.flac -68.34
CD2/Here Come the Noise Makers (disc 2).accurip -0.00
CD2/Here Come the Noise Makers (disc 2).cue -0.00
CD2/Here Come the Noise Makers (disc 2).log -0.01
Scans/ -0.00
Scans/back.jpg -0.39
Scans/front.jpg -0.42