The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/ - 0.00
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/Folder.auCDtect.txt - 0.00
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/THE Hundredth Monkey.log - 0.01
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/05 The Mud Suns - LOUDERMILK.flac - 23.61
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/03 The Mud Suns - SALVO.flac - 26.33
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/06 The Mud Suns - PAPERFULOFMOUTH.flac - 27.95
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/THE Hundredth Monkey.cue - 0.00
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/08 The Mud Suns - SALTLICKSHELTERS.flac - 26.19
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/front.jpg - 0.14
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/The Mud Suns - The Hunddredth Monkey.cue - 0.00
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/01 The Mud Suns - GIMESOMETHINGTOSAY.flac - 18.01
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/11 The Mud Suns - YOUARE.flac - 27.10
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/07 The Mud Suns - HOUDINI.flac - 37.89
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/02 The Mud Suns - DEADANDGONE.flac - 31.53
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/09 The Mud Suns - DEVILANDTHEDEEPBLUESEA.flac - 24.18
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/04 The Mud Suns - HALFWAYUPATREE.flac - 35.68
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/09 The Mud Suns - DEVILANDTHEDEEPBLUESEA.flac.Spectrogram.jpg - 0.17
The Mud Suns - 2011 - The Hunddredth Monkey/10 The Mud Suns - MORNINGGLORY.flac - 37.14