Handel - Judas Maccabaeus [King's Consort] (2CD)
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Handel - Judas Maccabaeus [King's Consort] (2CD) '1992

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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
01 Ouverture- [Grave] – Allegro – Lentement – Allegro
02 Act I. Chorus- Mourn, ye afflicted children, the remains
03 Recitative- Well, may your sorrows, brethren, flow
04 Duet- From this dread scene, these adverse pow'rs
05 Chorus- For Sion lamentation make
06 Recitative- Not vain is all this storm of grief
07 Air- Pious orgies, pious airs
08 Chorus- O Father, whose almighty pow'r
09 Recitative- I feel, I feel the Deity within
10 Air – Chorus- Arm, arm, ye brave! A noble cause
11 Recitative- 'Tis well, my friends; with transport I behold
12 Air- Call forth thy pow'rs, my soul, and dare
13 Recitative- To heav'n's almighty king we kneel
14 Air- O liberty, thou choicest treasure
15 Air- Come, ever-smiling liberty
16 Recitative- O Judas, may these noble views inspire
17 Air- 'Tis liberty, dear liberty alone
18 Duet- Come, ever-smiling liberty
19 Chorus- Lead on, lead on! Judah disdains
20 Recitative- So will'd my father, now at rest
21 Semi-chorus- Disdainful of danger, we'll rush on the foe
22 Recitative- Ambition! If e'er honour was thine aim
23 Air- No unhallow'd desire
24 Recitative- Haste we, my brethren, haste we to the field
25 Chorus- Hear us, O Lord, on thee we call
26 Act II. Chorus- Fall'n is the foe; so fall thy foes, O Lord!
27 Recitative- Victorious hero! Fame shall tell
28 Air- So rapid thy course is
29 Recitative- Well may we hope our freedom to receive
30 Duet – Chorus- Sion now her head shall raise
31 Recitative- Oh, let eternal honours crown his name
32 Air- From mighty kings he took the spoil
01 Act II. Duet – Chorus- Hail, hail, Judea. Happy land!
02 Recitative- Thanks to my brethren; but look up to heav'n
03 Air- How vain is man, who boasts in fight
04 Recitative- O Judas, O my brethren!
05 Air – Chorus- Ah! wretched, wretched Israel! Fall'n, how low
06 Recitative- Be comforted, nor think these plagues are sent
07 Air- The Lord worketh wonders
08 Recitative- My arms! Against this Gorgias will I go
09 Air – Chorus- Sound an alarm! Your silver trumpets sound
10 Recitative- Enough! To heav'n we leave the rest
11 Air- With pious hearts, and brave as pious
12 Recitative- Ye worshippers of God
13 Air- Wise men, flatt'ring, may deceive us
14 Duet – Chorus- Oh! Never, never bow we down
15 Act III. Air- Father of heav'n! From thy eternal throne
16 Recitative- See, see yon flames, that from the altar broke
17 Air- So shall the lute and harp awake
18 Recitative- From Capharsalama on eagle wings I fly
19 Chorus- See, the conqu'ring hero comes!
20 March
21 Chorus- Sing unto God, and high affections raise
22 Recitative- Sweet flow the strains, that strike my feasted ear
23 Air- With honour let desert be crown'd
24 Recitative- Peace to my countrymen; peace and liberty
25 Chorus- To our great God be all the honour giv'n
26 Recitative- Again to earth let gratitude descend
27 Air- O lovely peace, with plenty crown'd
28 Air – Chorus- Rejoice, O Judah! and, in songs divine

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