Handel - Joshua [King's Consort]
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Handel - Joshua [King's Consort] '1991

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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
01. Act I. Introduction
02. Chorus: Ye sons of Israel, evÆry tribe attend
03. Recitative: Behold, my friends
04. Air: O first in wisdom, first in powÆr
05. Recitative: Matrons and virgins
06. Air: Oh! who can tell, oh! Who can her
07. Recitative: Caleb, attend to all I now prescibe
08. Chorus-solo Joshua: To long posterity we here record
09. Accompagnato: So long the memory shall last
10. Air: While Kedron's brook to Jordan's stream
11. Recitative: But who is he?
12. Air: Awful pleasing being, say
13. Recitative- Accompagnato: Joshua, I come
14. Air: Haste, Israel, haste
15. Chorus: The Lord commands, and Joshua leads
16. Accompagnato: In these blest scenes
17. Air: Hark! 'tis the linnet and the thrush
18. Recitative: O Achsah, formÆd for evÆry chaste delight
19. Duet: Our limpid streams
20. Recitative: The trumpet calls
21. Chorus: May all the host of heav'n attend him round
22. Act II. Recitative: Tis well; six times the Lord
23. A Solemn March
24. Chorus-solo Joshua: Glory to God!
25. Recitative: The walls are levell'd
26. Air: See, the raging flames arise
27. Air: To vanity and earthly Pride
01. Recitative: Let all the seed of Abrah'm now prepare
02. Chorus-solo Joshua: Almighty ruler of the skies
03. Recitative: Joshua, the men dispatch'd by thee
04. Chorus: How soon our towÆring hopes are crossÆd!
05. Recitative: Whence this dejection?
06. Air-Chorus: With redoubled rage return
07. Recitative: Now give the army breath
08. Air: Heroes when with glory burning
09. Recitative: Indulgent heav'n hath heard
10. Air: As cheers the sun the tender flow'r
11. Recitative: Sure IÆm deceivÆd
12. Air: Nations, who in future story
13. Recitative: Brethren and friends, what joy
14. Chorus-solo Joshua: Oh! thou bright orb
15. Act III. Chorus: Hail! mighty Joshua, hail! Thy name
16. Air: Happy, Oh, thrice happy we
17. Recitative: Caleb, for holy Eleazer send
18. Air: Shall I in Mamre's fertile plain
19. Recitative: O Caleb, fear'd by foes
20. Air: Place danger around me
21. Chorus: Father of Mercy, hear the prayÆr we make
22. Recitative: In bloom of youth
23. Chorus: See the conqu'ring hero comes!
24. Recitative: Welcome! My son
25. Air: Oh! had I Jubal's lyre
26. Recitative: While life shall last, each moment
27. Duet: O peerless maid
28. Recitative: While lawless tyrants, with ambition blind
29. Chorus: The great Jehovah is our awful theme

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