The Eternal Sea / Make Haste to Live (Original Motion Picture Soundtracks)
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Format FLAC Stereo 629 Kbps /
- kHz
Size 248.90 Mb

The Eternal Sea / Make Haste to Live (Original Motion Picture Soundtracks) '1982

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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
01. Main Title
02. The Eternal Sea Theme
03. Opening - John Returns Home - Seven Hours
04. Quonset Point Pilot Training Montage
05. USS Princeton - Enemy Aircraft off Port Beam!
06. Enemy Planes Bomb Princeton
07. Princeton Sunk - Crew Rescued - John’s Leg Crushed
08. John Recovers from Princeton Attack
09. Artificial Leg - John Calls Sue from Hospital
10. The New Princeton is Built
11. John Falls from Scaffolding - Back to the Hospital
12. Carrier Jets - Korean War
13. Letters Home to Sue
14. Love Theme
15. Alternate Battle Medley
16. Unused End Credits
17. Main Title
18. A Stranger in Her House
19. Memories of Meeting Steve
20. Memories, Marriage, and Murder
21. Crystal Worries - Randy & Hack Chat
22. Garden Party - Accordion Dance Music
23. Garden Party - Big Band Swing
24. Garden Party - Slow Dance
25. Mexican Fiesta Music - Steve & Randy
26. Mexican Fiesta Music - Steve & Crystal
27. Inbound Airplane - Steve Goes After Randy
28. Night Rendezvous
29. Sheriff Lafe & Josh Make Plans to Catch Steve
30. Crys Lures Steve to Indian Diggings
31. Source Music Track
32. Crys’s Trap Thwarted
33. Cavern Confrontation - Steve’s End

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